Nothing like having no clue where your going to shoot, and showing up to one of the most beautiful places you've ever shot at. I love living in the Black Hills. This place is magical. Aly only added to the beauty. She was fun, smart, and had so many ideas. And rocked them all.
At one point I had 5 horses behind me, while shooting Aly with this horse. It was weirdly exciting, and a touch nerve-racking being surrounded by the magnificent animals.
Did I forget to mention, I bought this amazing loveseat just hours before this session. I was so excited about it, and thought maybe they'd think I was crazy, Aly and her parents were as exited about it as I was.
Thank you so much Aly and her parents. I left this session on a high as I had so much fun, and I knew the photos were going to be fantastic!!!